Theaters under COVID series

Theaters have always been a beloved and integral part of our cultural landscape, providing a place for people to come together and experience the magic of live performances. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on theaters around the world, as they were forced to close their doors and cancel performances in order to slow the spread of the virus.

For many theaters, the financial consequences of the pandemic have been catastrophic. With no income from ticket sales, many have been forced to lay off staff and cut back on expenses in order to stay afloat. Even when theaters have been able to reopen, capacity restrictions and social distancing measures have meant that they have been unable to generate enough revenue to cover their costs.

The impact of the pandemic has not been limited to the financial realm. The closure of theaters has also had a significant cultural and social impact, as people have been deprived of the opportunity to come together and experience live performances. For many, the closure of theaters has been a source of great sadness and loss, as they represent a vital part of our communities and our shared cultural heritage.

I was deeply saddened by the closure of theaters due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The absence of live performances felt like a huge loss, not just for me personally but for our entire cultural landscape.

In an effort to capture the feeling of this loss and document the impact of the pandemic on theaters, I created a personal photo project: a series of photographs of empty theaters under lockdown.

See the full series


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